Friday 15 December 2006

Nigerians: our responsibility to Africa

Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa, so its kinda easy for us to get caught up in ourselves. The African man for one I'd say is quite selfish, for reasons behind my comprehension, maybe its just a human thing but when the African man does it it gets blown up. Such like in this video

My post today is about Nigerians, and our responsibility to Africa. Although Nigeria has its problems, on an African scale things are going good for us Nigerians.

Sometimes I go online and want to find out about whats happening in Africa, in Congo, in Chad, and I want it from a bloggers point of view. I see one or 2 bloggers with something to say but not that many people out there listening. I have read a few blogs from Nigerian bloggers on their dismay that the world (or should I say technorati isnt ranking )isn't listening to what they have to say. WHich is true but even more true of the little African countries everybody seems to have forgotten about. Or the 2 guys left in jail in Angola Louisiana everyone seems to have forgotten about.

As one man I can offer little, but if we join hands and work together we'll see that we can make AFRICA proud

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